Open the full post for the June 2019 selected news sent from BirminghamWeAre on 27.06.19.


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BirminghamWeAre – a YourPlaceYourSpace Community of Passion

Using solutions developed by PMNet, this growing community is active across many passions developing social value for the benefit of all across the City .... read more

GreenActionWithYou – A free digital space for people who really do want to get involved and help protect the environment!

With so many people demanding action over climate change and with the growth of cities declaring their own climate emergency, a new shared digital space has been launched this month in Birmingham to facilitate greater collaboration between business, the public sector, the voluntary sector and community .... read more

Engaging people in their built environment with ‘Map & Track’  

This initiative run by, a YourPlaceYourSpace Community of Passion in Birmingham, is set to scale across the UK connecting more communities with their built environments .... read more

Passion by Passion – we’re mapping and gamifying this great City!

Imagine having in one digital space the ability to map and track all the things you would like to do, see, and visit in and around Birmingham.  Imagine being rewarded for what you take in during one visit.  Well imagine no more! We started with construction, we’re now mapping the city’s great architecture and next we’re on to arts and culture.  20 passions being mapped and tracked! Join us as a partner on our digital journey  ....Connect with us

With an ever changing City skyline –don’t worry we’ve got it covered!

With regular ongoing features such as Sky High Birmingham and Birmingham Skyline, we’re capturing the city’s growth from every direction and sharing this with over 100,000 people across our YourPlaceYourSpace communities.  Let’s take the view from your building or help us promote this great city. We’ve got some great showcase events coming up .... Connect with us

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48 Hours in Birmingham runs again all Summer!

Last year, during the digital build of BirminghamWeAre, we ran a campaign on social media  #48hoursinBirmingham.  It was so successful with 000s of views that we are running it again through July and August.  Take a look at the contributions last year and connect with us to discuss partnering this great initiative, promoting you and your City  ....See our feature

Birmingham’s great Open Spaces and Parks – mapped , tracked and linked

There are so many people who love a park and a green open space!  But we have to look after them and spread the love across our large and diverse community.  So here’s our target! To connect and showcase every green space in and around Birmingham and take the passion for parks and open spaces to a new level through the use of digital mapping, gamification and rewards for people who care. Let’s do this together!  …. See our feature.

ItsYourBuild – a YourPlaceYourSpace Community of Passion

Officially launched in June 2019, ItsYourBuild is an initiative which connects Community with their built environment and promotes the social value and impact to be gained from engaging community in construction. more

By ward and by region – we will scale end engage more and more people who want to make a difference!

Two years ago the idea of a digital space for people who want to make a difference and create social and economic impact was first conceived as a created here in Birmingham digital product. Two years later and major scale is on the cards with a huge roll out planned.... Read more

FreeTimePays – the digital space devoted to social value

FreeTimePays is here for people who really want to become involved in their community or with their particular passion and for those people who are really serious about making a difference.  .... read more.

BirminghamWeAre is for people who are passionate about Birmingham and want to make a difference - join us and promote your passion!

BirminghamWeAre is all about building social value and creating social and economic impact.  We do that with the support of people with passion who are helping in so many different ways. Join them and let’s give you the free digital space to take your passion to the next level. more

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