Birmingham Gems mapped with over 1.1 million views; Birmingham trails growing; community engaged in place-making; and the potential of digitally engaged and connected neighbourhoods across Birmingham. Check out our post here (including videos) and see what we're up to this Summer.
Birmingham Gems mapped with over 1.1 million views; Birmingham trails growing; community engaged in place-making; and the potential of digitally engaged and connected neighbourhoods across Birmingham. Check out our post here (including videos) and see what we're up to this Summer.
Introducing "Birmingham Gems"
Work to digitally map the city as a place to experience, creatively and culturally, commenced over 18 months ago with a collaboration of people passionate about Birmingham. This collaboration has helped to populate a platform covering the city and its neighbourhoods.
This map is now full of information that can be used by people who live and work in Birmingham, and of course, visitors to the city.
Our collaboration of people passionate about promoting their place is growing with considerable interest from schools and colleges keen to involve young people in this creative, cultural and digital initiative.
The map has now been viewed over 1.1 million times, increasing by 20,000 a week.
Introducing It's your Build - a digital space for engaging community in place-making
Let us show you, in a short video, how we have mapped the built environment (build by build) and have created a flexible and adaptable digital space for place-making.
Engaging Birmingham's community out of the city centre and connecting neighbourhoods
Birmingham is a city of connected neighbourhoods and here we show, via a link to a digital space created for Northfield, how a roll-out of connected platforms could support the drive for more digital neighbourhoods.