Since April 2014 I have been taking lots of Birmingham photos and over the years I have developed some themes that I now look for additions too. The first to become apparent was my attraction to reflections, particularly in the glass of city buildings. Here is a gallery of my favorite 50 'Reflection' photos. More themes to come soon including 'Lamps' next.

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Reflections of Birmingham

Reflections of Birmingham

Since April 2014 I have been taking lots of Birmingham photos and over the years I have developed some themes that I now look for additions too. The first to become apparent was my attraction to reflections, particularly in the glass of city buildings. Here is a gallery of my favorite 50 'Reflection' photos. More themes to come soon including 'Lamps' next.

11th April 2014

On a visit to the 'Secret Garden' atop the Library I noticed this great reflection in the shear tinted glass facade of the Hyatt Regency Hotel.

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Later that day I saw this crazy visual mash-up including a reflection of the Library, it started me thinking about the pure asthetic quality of distorted reflections, something I have tried to develop since.

11th April 2014

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18th April 2014

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20th February 2015

I've always been pleased with this reflection in the Hyatt Regency Hotel of the urbanscape to the north of the city centre.

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30th January 2016

Of course the stainless steel of Grand Central has become a favorite canvas for amazing distorted reflections.

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30th January 2016

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22nd July 2016

I like how the seemingly rigid structure of many 'glass boxes' actually breaks up reflections and offers perspectives otherwise unseen.

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6th August 2016

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15th October 2016

Modern architecture can provide great opprtunities to showcase classic examples.

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12th November 2016

Sometimes it is simply the reflection of the sky that catches my eye.

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28th January 2017

Flat glass on a curved building can produce crazy effects like this isolation of the reflection of the Library in the Arena.

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20th May 2017

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21st May 2017

Sometimes I just love the visual muddle.

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3rd June 2017

I have developed a liking for using reflections to confuse the eye initially.

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11th June 2017

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18th June 2017

Reflected sunsets are a must in many modern buildings.

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7th October 2017

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22nd October 2017

More visual muddle and confusion.

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16th December 2017

This is as close to a selfie as I get.

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1st January 2018

Oh, of course cranes, another one of my themes, but also great when smashed up in a good reflection.

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14th January 2018

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24th February 2018

Some opportunities just can't be passed by.

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21st July 2018

More visual confusion.

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25th August 2018

The glass of the old Sympony Hall facace actually gave some great reflection opportunities.

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27th August 2018

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3rd February 2019

New buildings such as One Chamberlain Square are a feast of great reflection opportunities.

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3rd March 2019

Two Chamberlain Square.

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10th March 2019

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17th March 2019

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21st April 2019

A curved window! awesome.

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20th July 2020

Flat glass on a curve producing tall thin reflections of the Library, the Hyatt, One Centenary Square (HSBC) and Alpha Tower.

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12 August 2019

From the Hyatt, the Library in the Centenary Square pool.

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24th August 2019

Confusing symmetry. 

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8th September 2019

Reversed perpectives.

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7th December 2019

From the Library, it just jumped out as I walked along the 'Secret Garden' and was great to get the Jamia Masjid Anwar-Ul-Uloom and Dudley Castle in the shot too.

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7th December 2019

Wrong way round! At first glace the BT tower is on the wrong side of the 103 Colmore Row construction.

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27th December 2019

I just liked the symmetry of the wheel and the skating tent.

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22nd March 2020

Sometimes the focus point can make all the difference.

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24th March 2020

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19th May 2020

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14th June 2020

I love this mash-up of reflections in the REP Theatre.

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29th August 2020

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4th November 2020

Visit to The Cube roof for sunrise.

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5th November 2020

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15th November 2020

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15th November 2020

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1st December 2020

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19th Decembr 2020

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25th December 2020

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25th December 2020

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Photos by Daniel Sturley