Orion Building, Birmingham, UK - City architecture

The Orion Building in Birmingham is a 90 metre high residential build located on Navigation Street, Birmingham. Completed in 2007, rooms are designed by fashion designer John Rocha.

Orion building


B3 1QA

View site map HERE.

Photography by Daniel Sturley.


Architecture: BBLB Architects

Construction: Taylor Woodrow

Enquiries: Maguire Jackson


In brief

The Orion is famed for marketing and selling (at the time) the city's most expensive penthouse suite for £1.65 million.

The Orion Building is located on a site between John Bright Street, Navigation Street and Suffolk Street Queensway and is directly opposite The Mailbox. 

Orion BuildingThe Orion Building (September 2020). Photography by Elliott Brown


Story of the build

Watch this space!


Night shot view at the corner of Hill Street and Navigation Street. Part of the building runs down John Bright Street.

Orion Building


View from The Mailbox on Suffolk Street Queensway (Royal Mail Street).

Orion BuildingPhotography by Elliott Brown


Puro - this is now The Stable.

Orion BuildingPhotography by Elliott Brown


Tamatanga and a yellow sports car on Navigation Street.

Orion BuildingPhotography by Elliott Brown


At the end of 2015, The Stable replaced Puro below the brick façade on John Bright Street. Pizza, Pies and Cider.

Orion BuildingThe Stable at The Orion Building (December 2018). Photography by Elliott Brown


There is a view of the Orion Building from platform 4c at Birmingham New Street Station, if you are waiting for a train.

Orion BuildingThe Orion Building from Birmingham New Street Station (June 2021). Photography by Elliott Brown


Birmingham Figure

The Birmingham Figure was sculpted by Lee Grandjean in 1987. It is at John Bright Street, near Navigation Street, and next to the Orion Building. The casino to the left of it used to be called Gala Casino, but is now called Grosvenor Casino. It got a revamp in 2016. It was made out of Lepine limestone, and took the artist 12 months to create. Comprises of three blocks placed on top of each other.

Orion BuildingBirmingham Figure on John Bright Street (April 2009). Photography by Elliott Brown


Project dates

11 Sep 2020 - On-going


Photography, People & community, Modern Architecture

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Your Place Your Space

Jonathan Bostock

0121 410 5520
jonathan.bostock@ yourplaceyourspace.com